Thursday, July 17, 2008

For all you cell phone addicts

Well... I made some microwave popcorn for dinner tonight... and decided to quick-check my email in between trying not to panic about the genre pieces I might/might not include next week. Anyway, a friend sent this to me and I couldn't resist but to pass it along. (I'm still working on my Southern dialect and colloquialisms.)
Hope you're able to click and get the link, otherwise copy and paste:
I'm curious as to first reactions... I wavered between wanting to have a CTScan, throwing my cell into a bonfire (with popcorn kernels in a dutch oven), and/or trying it out at home--with a slutty martini or three, of course.
Hope the weekend is restful, yet creative!


Anne Lane said...

Okay - that's pretty freaky! Have you tried it?

Mike said...

That is weird. How many cell phones does it take to make a slutty Martini?