Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where did everyone go?

I just sent a note to a former student memorializing my summer at the Writing Project. Just missing the time we spent, and hoping everyone is off to a fabulous start as we round the fourth week! It was nice to briefly reconnect with those who showed up at the Fine Arts Fest! I hope you are all writing more that I have taken the time to!

1 comment:

Scott Hussein Sullivan said...

I told Jamie this evening that one of the reasons I am truly enjoying Jolliffe's class is that it feels very much like a little reunion of Writing Project folks every Wednesday. I love that because I love the people with whom we survived those weeks together. I use the things my fellows demo-ed in my classes and give the writing project all kinds of credit every day.

I'll never be able to fully repay what you people have given me, but I'm willing to try. At the very least, I'm interested in hanging out together whenever possible. I am guaranteed some gut jarring, hearty laughter, and I need all of that I can get. Every gathering of NWAWP is a celebration for me, so I'm ready to gather the whole gang together soon.

How long 'til the Mini?